Neurological normality disorder

Note: The content of this site is a parody. It is to be taken quite seriously.


What is NND?

According to the classification of DSN-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Nonsense):

000.00 Neurological normality disorder

Neurological normality disorder, or dyspulsia, is the hyper-operation of control functions, which leads to excessively regular behaviour, and compulsively analytical and logical thinking. Dyspulsive individuals are unable to decide and react quickly, have problems with processing visual stimuli, and often have poor imagination.

Due to methodical thinking, they mainly think in sequences, and are unable to jump from one thought to another and connect distant pieces of thought. Owing to an excessively precise handling of stimuli, they are unable to adopt new approaches to old stimuli. They are poor at thinking in big patterns, and mostly only perceive smaller details of things. They are mostly characterised by under average creativity.

NND is indisputably genetic in origin. Studies indicate that areas of the brain linked to verbality are also often overdeveloped in these individuals, while right hemisphere functioning falls short of the expected level.

What are the symptoms of NND?

Neurological normality disorder is accompanied by several symptoms, but the various deficits appear to a different extent depending on the individual. Persons with NND are usually characterised by slower processing of visual stimuli, deficits in musicality, deficits in understanding humour, slower decision making ability, deficits in managing simultaneous stimuli, compulsively analytical-logical thinking and pervasive verbality. They have difficulties with using images, visualization and mind maps in learning, and they also have a difficulty accompanying verbality with movements and melody.

How common is NND?

Currently, about 80% of the population is affected by this problem, but their ratio is, fortunately, decreasing with the change in culture.

Are there any treatments for NND?

Neurological normality is easy to treat. The right hemisphere can be strengthened primarily through arts, such as music, dance, drama, fine arts, as well as humour and strategic games. These activities require little verbality, while promoting the rapid development of the right hemisphere. Left hemisphere functioning constitutes no disadvantage in practicing these activities. To the contrary, simultaneous use of the two hemispheres results in a complete, integral person, and complete, integral thinking.

Dyspulsia test

Soon available!




Dyspulsia - The word is a compound of the Greek word 'dys', meaning difficulty, or disorder, and the Latin word 'pulsus', meaning beating, blow, push, impulse. It is the diagnostic term for individuals who are incapable of acting abruptly and impulsively without thinking. Its close connection to neurological normality lead to an amalgamation of the two concepts, and two have been increasingly used as synonyms.

Art - Art is a natural medium of psychological development. "Art which does not have the appearance of art is true art."

Verbality - A communication code, transfer of information through the use of linguistic elements. It is a narrowed down channel, which can only transmit information very slowly, in spite of which it has proved quite efficient during human development. Its forms include: speech, writing, and reading. If speech is accompanied by movements and facial expressions, it becomes much more efficient. In the same way, written text transmits considerably more information through the use of pictures and figures.

Visualization - A way of thinking which facilitates learning and understanding. An image formed individually about a given concept, which may even be rendered as a drawing. It often appears in everyday life as pictograms.

About this website

The present site is based on the initiative of the Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical. The Institute, with its characteristic viewpoint, laid the foundation for approaching disorders with different psychiatric codes from a different perspective, and presents an aspect of the disorders showing the disadvantages of behaviour not typically designited with disorders, at the same time highlighting the advantages of behaviour designated with disorders.

The author of this website: Dr. habil. Éva Gyarmathy, professional consultant for the Centre for Adolescent and Adult Dyslexia operating under the auspices of the Sun-Circle Mental Hygiene Foundation.

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